Should have read this beforehand =(





1. General comments: Keep the report concise and focused- rambling, excessively long reports do not necessarily collect more marks. Word-processed reports are easier to read, but hand-written is acceptable if clear and legible. If you are using a word processing package, use a minimum of 10-point size font, with 1.5 line spacing- this makes it easier to read and for your demonstrator to write in feedback comments. Note that graphs must be drawn by hand- computer-generated graphs are not acceptable. It sounds obvious, but please make sure that your name and that of your demonstrator is written at the top of page 1 of your report. Please staple all the sheets of your report together.

Other general guidelines on writing lab reports are given in the BMS-1 study guide (and reproduced on page 2 of this document).

2. The report: Give your report a logical format-

· a BRIEF ‘Introduction’ section outlining the aims of the experiment. Give some background information- what is the role of alkaline phosphatase? Is it used as a diagnostic indicator? A third to half a page is adequate here.

· Materials and Methods section- this is an outline of the methodology. An extensive, detailed reproduction of the methods in the workbook is not needed, but you should specifically mention any changes or modifications introduced by you. Explain why you introduced these changes.

· Results section- clearly state the outcome of the experiments. When giving numerical values that you have determined experimentally, make sure you give the correct units. Data should be presented on suitable graphs. Why not give each graph a figure number? It’s then easier to direct the reader of the report to the appropriate data presentation by referring to the appropriate figure number in the text. This is how it is done in scientific papers.

· Conclusion. Do not simply reiterate the results- explain what they mean. We are also looking for the ability to critically evaluate the experiment. How could you have improved the quality of the data? Where might errors have crept in? What are the key criteria that make an enzyme assay suitable as a tool to aid clinical diagnosis? Does this assay fit those criteria?

3. Clinical case questions: Keep your answers focused. There should be no need to exceed one A4 page in total for the answers of all three questions. You are expected to come up with a specific diagnosis for each case. Explain how you arrived at your diagnosis. Where relevant, outline how you were able to eliminate other potential diagnoses from each case.


1. General

Please make sure that you read this part and the following sections very carefully so that misunderstandings do not arise later on.

During Biomedical Sciences-1 you will be required to submit written reports for some of your laboratory experiments. These must be prepared and handed in to your demonstrator for assessment by the date specified. Your marked report will contain written feedback in the form of specific comments and guidance. You should ensure that you understand all the points raised.

Assessment may be summative, where the mark will form part of your overall assessment for the course (see the previous section on ‘Assessment’), or it may be formative, where the mark will not contribute to your final assessment but the aim is primarily to help you understand how to improve your report writing skills. In 2008, Biological Molecules Work Session 5 “Alkaline Phosphatase: So what can enzymes tell us?” is a summative assessment contributing 33% of your marks for this ICU. The write-up for this practical will take the form of a short lab report and written answers to some theory questions relating to clinical cases. As practice for writing up this summative assessment, you will also prepare a short lab report for part of Biological Molecules Work Session 2 “Protein Purification”. Your demonstrator will give you feedback on this formative assessment before the deadline for handing in the summative assessment lab report (see ‘Assessment’ section earlier in this Study Guide for hand-in dates). To help you, advice and guidelines on lab report writing are provided below.

2. Advice on preparing written reports

The essence of a written report is to communicate your findings and conclusions to someone else. Therefore, it must be readily intelligible to another reader and not just to you. It must be obvious what primary observations you made, how you processed the data, and what your conclusions are.

For these reasons you will have to give considerable thought to how you organise your reports. While it is impossible to give definitive rules, each case having to be taken on its own, the following is given to assist you:

§ Your Report should be organised in sections: Introduction (a brief resumé of why the experiment was done); Methods (in general merely refer to the sections of this workbook; do not rewrite the instructions); Results and Conclusions.

§ You will save time if you have read and understood the practical notes before you do the experiment and you have recorded your data in a suitable form during the experiment.

§ Do not waste time rewriting the data you recorded in the laboratory to achieve a pristine copy.

§ Show any calculations in full so they can be checked but for repetitive calculations show only a specimen in full.

§ Remember that a numerical result usually cannot be given without units.

Tables, bar charts and graphs are good ways of displaying your results and conclusions. However, they should be as simple as possible, consistent with accuracy and conveying the necessary information. Each must have a concise informative title. The test of a good display item is that it conveys a clear message without the need for extensive reference to the text.

3. Drawing graphs

Graphs are a great visual aid and are frequently used to represent the results of experiments. Relationships between measured quantities, errors in measurements and the presence of anomalous measurements are often readily apparent. Graphs allow straightforward averaging of experimental measurements, interpolation between measurements and determination of the equation relating measured quantities.

§ Give your graph a title

§ Label both axes to show clearly what variable you are plotting, and its units.

§ Choose the axis scale to make plotting simple, e.g. let 10 small divisions equal 1, 2, 5, 10, etc. It takes longer, and you are more likely to make a mistake, if you choose a difficult scale.

§ Choose the ranges of the axes so that the points are suitably spread out on the graph paper and not all cramped into one corner - this may mean excluding zero from the axis.

§ Plot the independent variable along the horizontal axis and the dependent variable along the vertical axis.

§ Plot the experimental points clearly. Tiny dots may be confused with dirt on the graph paper and big dots give loss of precision. Either or ¤ are preferable. When you are plotting more than one set of data on a graph use different symbols.

§ When taking readings, generally spread them out evenly over the range of values of the quantity measured. The exceptions to this are when you want to measure an intercept (e.g. 1/V vs 1/S in a Lineweaver-Burk plot, see Biological Molecules Works Sessions 4 and 5), when it is desirable to have a few extra points close to the axis, or if there is a change in the shape of the graph (e.g. a peak) when extra points in this area will give greater precision.

§ Draw a straight line or a smooth curve through points plotted on the graph, rather than joining up successive points by short straight lines. If the points show wide 'scatter' due to experimental error, the best smooth curve or straight line should be drawn through the points, as illustrated by the examples below. Note that the eventual line may not actually pass through any of the experimental points. Deciding on the best line requires practice, but as a rule the points should be evenly distributed on either side of the line.

Note: All graphs must be hand drawn. Computer produced graphs are not acceptable.



Stay awake Leel!!

With midterms and final exams rearing their very ugly heads, you’re probably finding thatHow to Stay Awake While Studying study time is increasingly important. Too bad you have a job, clubs, a roommate, friends, family, dorm-room sleep hours (read: 3am bedtime), a cafeteria diet, and a bunch of classes wearing you down. Once you start reading that text book, suddenly a nice nap seems like a much better idea.

Read on to find out how to keep yourself awake, even if you’restudying in the wee hours of the morning:

  1. Drink a Lot of Water
    Remember this from my tips on how to stay awake in class? Well, water is even better for staying up when you’re studying. Dehydration can make you sleepy, so keeping your body hydrated will stave off those symptoms. If you are really sleepy, drink a lot of water to make sure you stay up—if you have to get up to go to the bathroom, it will definitely keep you awake! (Weird, but it works!)
  2. Take Breaks
    Your brain needs to rest if you want to study hard for a long time AND do well on your test. Schedule out your time so you can take a break—I would study for 45 minutes, break for 15, and so forth. Set the alarm on your cell phone so you don’t forget (or if you’re afraid you’ll fall asleep). Watch a TV show, talk to a friend, read a book, or listen to some music—but nothing school related at all!
  3. Exercise
    Exercise can be a great way to wake yourself up—take a short walk, dance to some music on your iPod, or head over to the gym for a little while. Taking a shower after a workout can wake you up even more.
  4. Don’t Study Somewhere Comfortable
    Don’t curl up on the common room couch or lean against some pillows in bed and expect to make it through 50 pages of text—getting comfortable is a sure fire way to sleep through your study time. Go somewhere with good, strong lighting, a non-squishy chair, and a table or desk. Sit up while you study, and change positions now and then.
  5. Eat a Snack
    Get your blood sugar up by eating a healthy snack (junk food will just give you a burst of energy but then you’ll crash). Apples are a good food to help you keep your blood sugar stable so you can stay awake (a lot of people say they will wake you up better than caffeine!)

Remember, I also shared some ideas to help you stay awake in class, so if you’re really sleepy, you might want to try those, too! Good luck!

My PPD First Essay

I didn't spend much of my time on this. No wonder it's terrible! whatever =))



STUDENT ID - 200449637



A. Before the visit -

Few days before the community visit took place, my partner and I discussed on how to get there. We divided our tasks in order to make things easier. During the day of the visit, we gathered at the Parkinson Building before we took a bus there.

B. Upon arrival –

Once we got off from the bus, we took a walk to get to the venue. By having known the building is a red triple-storey building, it wasn’t much a help since we got lost after half an hour walk in search of the venue. We asked the public whether they know where the building is, but none of them seemed to be familiar with the place. Alternatively, we used GPS navigator to track our location and luckily we found the building minutes later.

C. At the venue -

We received a warm welcome by the officers there. We were briefed about the nature of working by the chief officer and were made familiarized with the working areas for the workers. She assigned one of her colleagues to take us for a walk to the vendor selling points where we were given the chance to make interviews with the magazine vendors.

D. The interviews –

We had the chance to interview seven vendors from various backgrounds. The summary of the interview is as written below.

1. Our first stop was five minute walk from the building. We met one old female vendor sitting aside the pedestrian walkway when the officer introducing us to her. She was happy to get to know that we were medical students and without any reluctance she allowed us to interview her. Generally, she was satisfied with the healthcare services she received mainly from the NHS.

2. Then, we proceeded our journey to meet the second vendor, Mr. N. He was totally different from our first interviewee which he was rather a plainspoken person. He told that the doctors are being discriminative in treating patients. He also suggested that the doctors must have more understanding and care towards patients regardless of any preferences.

3. Next, we had the chance to interview Mr. R which he had more positive feedbacks with regard to the NHS. For him the doctors are the persons who he can confer his trust upon. He also agreed that the doctors are capable in simplifying his understanding of health complications that he’s in.

4. Next we met one cheerful vendor who welcomes us with warmth. He was rather positive in his response towards the healthcare system in the UK. As in his response, the doctors are seen as more approachable and reliable. He has never had any bad experiences with the NHS.

5. After that, we met Mr. R who simply described the healthcare system in the UK as useless. He had once broken his pelvis in which he most probably gets retained by hospital to receive intensive care. In contrast his request to get medication was not entertained by the doctors and had to walk back home with such a dreadful condition.

6. The next vendor felt he was under oppression by the healthcare system due to inequality of treatment received. He had no chance to have a two ways communication with doctors. The doctors were described as not having an eye contact with the patients.

7. The last vendor we interviewed also provides us with negative response. This lady mentioned that doctors are not a good listener. They also do show discrimination among their patients.

E. What surprised me-

During the briefing was given, I was surprised to get to know that this magazine company has been employing homeless people to be their vendors. I was amazed with the kindness of the nature of this company in giving chances to these unfortunate people to earn a living. I hope these people will have the strength to continue their living to move them ahead towards betterment in life.

Besides, I am also surprised with the openness of the vendors to spend some of their time to take part in the interview although busy with their selling of magazines.

F. What I have learnt-

In this visit, I’ve learnt a lot from reviews regarding the healthcare system in the UK by the vendors. Doctors must never show favoritism among their patients. Besides, the doctors must be approachable among the patients at the same time provide comfort to them. Discrimination towards certain group of people also ought to be demolished to create integrity between doctors and patients. With the good doctors-patients relationship, the healthcare system would be even more successful in providing healthcare to the public.

Meet my new lover, Mandy =)

Hey Mandy, I think my love for you would last even longer than my previous lover fe4010.
Hoho. Your perfectness captures everyone's eyes, while your luscious body cut simply makes guys around you drooling endlessly. Even your talents within you are absolutely incomparable. And even you are black, it doesn't matter much. I just love u!

Here how the ad praises you;
"The most powerful iPhone yet"

I think my choice to own you was right! Now the time to learning you! =D


An astounded itinerary

Surely I'm speechless now. Feel free to read the following;

ETD :2355
ETD :0555

ETD :1640


My flight to Leeds will be on the September 15th. Oh no! I'm not prepared and so not up for everything now, especially hitting the thick books all over again. My barang2 also not fully packed! Mommy help me.
Suspense overwhelmed.
On tenterhooks.

What?! I'll be landed at Amsterdam Airport not Heathrow Airport?? Waaaa. I wish I can step on the British Capital aka London for my first arrival to UK. But somehow, I'm the follower not the planner.

Whatever it is;

Get ready, get prepared, get packed. =)

Olympus FE4010. My temporal lover.

After a hard and gruelling struggle for the sake of seeking the best, frugal, economical, handy camera which can give the most out of everything, finally I purchased Olympus FE4010 digicam.

Long before the hunt started, I had bumped into many other digicams which are equally qualified to be my lover. The inclination to get a DSLR has always been there, but not for this moment. I need a handy one, which I can carry with me 24/7 without occupying much of my pocket space. So the Ultra Compact series is the best one. Enough. Scope downsized.

Now, the brand. HOLY SHIT to the branding world. You made my life tougher and rugged. I wonder who was the first man to come out with branding and stuff. Swear to god, Sony gadgets have the slickest looks after all but then what with the looks? Besides "it's Sony dude" line shouldn't come across at the very moment as it foolishly gulls you. Well, Sony has been settling at the top of the chart for years, and surprisingly the plainspoken fact coming from the Sen (electronic company's name) guy had really freshened my eyeballs.

"Sony camera not good ma, u get less from every penny u spend. Plus the features like editing here is just a stale useless"

My scope was downsized even more. All what left were Lumix and Olympus. Simply, Lumix is highly recommended camera in many camera reviews, with all splendid features and the most valuable for money. The only problem for now is my remote hometown Sibu where less choices and selections of goods are offered. Only two ugly Lumix on display. Suddenly something shone across my eyeballs. Its Olympus, very sleek in look without compromising the features. "Quality never goes out of style" is the suitable shibboleth now. Yeah, this is what I need. Mission accomplished! =)

It features:
- Super Wide Angle 26mm
- Slim 4x Optical Zoom (26mm - 104mm)
- AF Tracking Mode
- Magic Filter
- 12.0 Megapixels
- Intelligent Auto
- Digital Image Stabilization
- Face Detection

Ps- Sadly my mom picked the pink one for me. Colour is immaterial for now I can say. =)

Big Gratitude for Voip Stunt!

This is how Voip Stunt looks like

Yeay! Finally I found the suitable medium to get in touch with my families and friends. Hoho! Credit to Nadya (my sister's close friend) for introducing me to the life of free, gratis, costless free calls!

Well, here how to get one:

1. Get a laptop dude!

2. Download Voip Stunt software via this link as attached below;

3. Register to get your personal account

4. Get yourself familiarized with the interface. Be literate.

5. Take a trial run by calling home number, make sure country code is embedded.

6. Now, bergayut jadi monyet! Haha =)

ps- Well life has never been entirely free. Somewhat, Voip Stunt only applies for landline calls not for mobile phone calls. Sad thing =(

This is the kickoff. No jokes.

Today is the 3rd of September for the year 09. There's nothing special about today's date. But for me today can be a good start for everything, anything.

To distinguish the date from any other dates, I put a starting line into it to mark the beginning of something essential I suppose. This is somewhat very essential for someone weak like me, and for everybody with wanting strength to gain a victorious winning over the devilish lust. This is not the kickoff for a new thing, but a kickoff for the halt of a thing which has long begun.

I believe this can be possibly worked out if and only if tools below are made ready;

1. GOOD SIGHT - Eyes are wonderful, amazing organ. Eyes never get wrong till you misuse them abusively. Remember, eyes are at your front, the most visible part of one's body. Through eyes many can be interpreted instantly.

2. SELECTIVE HEARING - Don't listen to the whisper. Listen to your heart. Take time and if needed flee away from the crappy talks.

3. WISE ACTIONS - Act wisely in every circumstance. Act cool for most of the time. Don't plunge into unnecessary activities.

These tools ain't enough. I give this a hold for a deeper thoughts, hopefully light will come shine its brighter radiance.
Insyallah. Everything will run well for all of us.

Counting days. It's roughly two weeks left.

Time flies, moment crawls, laughter slowly disappears out of me. Damn yeah, I couldn't bear this feeling any longer. I'm standing in uncertainty, whether to leave home studying medicine or to stay at home doing nothing, not planning to leave (apparently not an option). Seriously, living in UK is a whole new chapter to someone timid like me. I'm totally unprepared mentally and physically. There has been many "if-s " hovering above my head. Like, what IF I couldn't cope up with my studies, what IF I got stuck halfway in my studies, in which most of them are negative. I've tried to be really optimistic in my option to undertake medicine for the next 5 years, which is a very long journey in which my dad said "period of total change can possibly take place; death, behavioral change, and etc". Undoubtedly, he's right. Massive changes can occur whether in me or in people around me. Everyone is subjected to changes.

What has taken the laughter out of me to the utmost would be the remaining days left for me to be able to be in tangible contact with my loved ones. First one would be my mom, my unsung 'hero'. She's the greatest mom ever, for sure, the resilient, the superb, the indescribably amazing lady. She's been the driving force, the powerful thrust that has been pushing me this far. I'll never be able to reach this level of humanity, if she's not around. She has taught me about life in general. My dad did too, but I couldn't seem to absorb much of his advice. DON'T ask me why.

Seriously, I am sad now. Really sad. Sad of being unprepared. Sad of leaving my lovely home and the lovely people in it. Sad of being away for a long stint. Sad of the possibilities.

That's all from me for now. I need to hit the bed. I need some rest. Tomorrow gonna be a big day for a small people like me. I end this with a sincere wish, Happy fasting Muslims!

Ps- I am kinda hate the word possibilities now. Although it has been very much a help for me for all this while. But at this very moment I really hate it.

Pre-BTN survey

Hereby, I put up the writeup of the short survey that I've done to some KMBians on what BTN means to them.~ So, scroll it over dude!

1. Short talk with Mr. Biggie Fakhri

Mr. X -Hey dude! Look like u've packed ur stuff already huh!

Mr Biggie - Yeah! Kinda. But, I'm still pondering to bring over my Mimi Teddy or not. It's very maningful to me, it's in this size and bla2~(well, this guy is so known as chatterbox, no wonder he talks a lot!)

Mr. X - Shut the !@#$ up dude! Okay! Let's get things straight to the point. What's the first thing that comes across ur head about BTN thingy?

Mr Biggie - Oh well, for me (sounds bossy here) BTN is something unimaginable, colossal, skeptical, clinical, physiological, experimental, fundamental, detrimental training to be undergone by Malaysian Scholars before studying abroad. This is more like a nationalistic camp which aims to raise awareness among Malaysian Scholars and so to cultivate the loyalty quality towards Malaysia as one way on how to avoid Malaysian students from fleeing away giving services to other countries specifically europe and such. (He commented more, but I condense it up, since the comment was very2 cliche and very2 boring, hahahaha)

Mr. X - I think you can prolong ur talk to someone else Mr Biggie. Thank, anyway! (Dashing out asap, with full of curse)

2. Simply sweet chat with Qaiyyim

Mr. X - Hey handsome! Get up from my bed!

Qaiyyim - Kiss my ass first! Hahaa!

Mr. X - Yikes! You smelly ass! Whatever it is, I'm here to ask u about BTN.

Qaiyyim - Huh! What on earth is that??? It sounds yummy anyway. Okay. BTN is Butt Tickling Nanny.

Mr. X - That's simply brilliant Qaiyyim. Thank for the comment! (Jumping out from the 2nd floor with full of frustration)

3. The bestest response from Paan

Mr X - (knocking the door) Knock! Knock! Anybody?

Paan - Yeah, Paan in here. Who's out there? Come in.

Mr X - No thank. No biggie. Im here to ask you a couple of questions about BTN.

Paan - Oic. Sure, no problem.

Mr X - What's BTN for you?

Paan - Owww. BTN. Hmmmm. BTN is an abbreviation of Biro Tata Negara.

Mr X - Really. U are really a cool guy . Thank for the response! ( Finally, Mr X fled away happily ever after)

The morale here is to be straight to the point at the same time avoid flowery thingy. It doesn't
make you look cool, but in fact you complicate things up. Haha! Whatever. Here BTN camps, we come! =)

p/s - This survey doesn't have any connection to those who live or dead. No offence.